8 Ways to Express Your Love for Abortion This Valentine’s Day

It’s Valentine’s Day! Give your loved ones the greatest gift of all and show them you support their reproductive freedom. Not sure where to begin? Here are 8 ways to express your love for abortion.  

Know How to Have a Conversation 

Navigating conversations about abortion may seem like an uphill battle, but we’ve got you covered. Here are a few tips to get started. You can also learn more about what to say and what not to say to a friend who’s having an abortion from experts like Courtney Chambers, WWHA’s Texas Advocacy Director.  

Be Pro-Abortion, not Pro-Choice 

‘Abortion allows people to take control of their future’, ‘abortions help people thrive’, and ‘abortion is a moral and social good’ are a few examples of phrases you can use instead of ‘pro-choice.’ Find additional resources about why we should all be pro-abortion here.    

Support Independent Abortion Clinics 

Independent clinics are critical to the abortion care landscape. They provide 3 out of every 5 abortions in the U.S. each year and the majority of abortions after the first trimester. Indies also represent the majority of clinics in states hostile to abortion care, and their doors are closing at an alarming rate. We encourage you to find your local independent clinic and call the clinic to see how you can support them. 

Learn About Abortion Laws in Your State 

State legislatures often pass anti-abortion legislation under the radar. In 2021, 108 abortion restrictions were signed into law (making it one of the worst years ever for abortion rights), but only a handful were highlighted in the news. Stay vigilant, find out who your local representatives are, and don’t be afraid to hold them accountable when these damaging laws are introduced.  

Incorporate Intersectionality 

Everyone doesn’t have the same abortion experience. Accessing abortion care could seem nearly impossible depending on your race, zip code, income level or insurance status. When it comes to advocating on behalf of reproductive freedom, embrace an intersectional approach. We encourage you to listen to and support leaders and organizations from different racial or cultural communities to understand how abortion rights and access (or lack thereof) fit into a larger framework of systemic issues.  

Host a Conversation with Your Faith Community 

People of faith have abortions, provide abortions, and support reproductive freedom for all. There are many faith-based coalitions and organizations working to bring abortion out of the shadows. The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC), Just Texas, and Catholics for Choice are few you can begin to follow for faith-centered messaging and guidance around abortion and reproductive rights. If you’re looking to get started right away, RCRC is offering free online courses through the end of February. 

Make sure you also read/ watch these spotlights in The Washington Post and Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

Listen & Read About Abortion 

Knowledge is power. From podcasts to books, there are many ways to learn more about abortion, including what access looked like pre-Roe and how current barriers and restrictions impact our loved ones and community. Here are books you can add to your Spring reading list, a new podcast for your commute, and movies that will give you new perspectives. 


The future is uncertain for independent abortion clinics like ours. Texas’ Senate Bill 8 has been in effect for 5 ½ months and the U.S. Supreme Court could weaken or overturn Roe v. Wade this summer. All of the political attacks have also led to increased violence and hatred towards clinic staff. The outpouring of love and support from people like you means the world to us. Donate to WWHA to help us continue to do what we do best: provide excellent abortion care while pushing back against abortion restrictions, barriers and stigmas.